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Flotilla 23-6 What's New!

Emergency Cutoff Switch - May 2021

It Can Happen to You

Here is a link to the Navy Cyber Operations Command's blog post, "It Can Happen To You: Know The Anatomy Of A Cyber Intrusion" with good info about how intrusions take place and how to recognize & prevent them. Semper Paratus!

Welcome to our Flotilla 23-06 website! I hope you'll look around, try out the menus, and let me know what you think. This website is built for you - so it needs to meet your needs. You can contact me directly at with comments and criticisms. My intention is to build a site using the Auxiliary WOW platform that meets Flotilla 23-06's needs.

Your job? Compare, contrast, criticize, point out missing features and generally find the weak points so they can be fixed. No constructive comment is out of bounds! Contact me at the address above, and let me know what you need. I can also pass on comments about the Division and District sites when you see things on them that need to be addressed. 

Be frank, because if I know what you want, I can probably provide it. Thanks!